While I have played Indian music for a while and I am interest in esoteric sciences, I was surprised to find out that there is an essential different base frequency that can be used to tune instruments to.

You have likely experienced the same thing; you hear about something and suddenly you come across a lot of information about that particular topic. That was also my experience with this topic. There has been a very fundamental discussion for a long time about the differences and the effects of tuning to A=440 or 432 Hz. Just google it and it is amazing what you find, including the controversy.

What I found very striking is the relationship with 432 Hz and the frequencies in the esoteric science. For example, the ratio of frequencies of our chakra’s matches exactly with 432 Hz, as well as the basic frequency of Gaia (Schumann waves).

Allright, all great stuff, but what does all this matter? What is the difference? So, I tuned my Tanpura and Sitar to 432 Hz (a bit of a job with 18 strings…) and the results were amazing. My whole system was resonating so powerfully, my chakra’s aligning and the sound so much nicer, although that might also be due to personal preference .

We are getting more and more conscious and sensitive at the important time that we are living in. We are also tuning into higher and more subtle frequencies. I think using the 432 Hz frequently is another step towards the creation & manifestation of the ‘New World'. More Light coming through and also breaking down old structures.

So please listen to my audio recordings below and notice the differences of the Tanpura tuned to the different frequencies.
I am very curious to hear about your experience!

Let’s realize the ‘New World’ together with our music and our Light!
Please share this blog with everyone that comes to mind.

Love & light,

432 vs 440 Hz